- High/Dark Fantasy Fiction by Barb Hendee and J.C. Hendee

Official site for the high/dark fantasy books of authors Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee, including the Noble Dead Saga (a.k.a. The Noble Dead series), the Mist-Torn Witches series, the Vampire Memories series, and TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.

Final Countdown: First and Last Sorcerer

#fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

S3B4_usa_512Hi Gang. We’re in the final countdown to the release of First and Last Sorcerer… in just six days on January 6th.

We are so excited and cannot wait for this book to reach the hands of readers. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did in writing it. And because of the way the publishing industry works, this is also the time of year in which we submit the manuscript for a new book still a year away from release…


#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

S3B2_usa_512[6]Michael Hockenson, Jr. has won the 4th “Reader’s Choice Raffle” at Noble­Dead­.org and has chosen a signed, hardbound, first edition of S3B2: The Dog in the Dark as the prize.

For the rest of you, a special raffle is upcoming later in January after we have some time for recovery because…


#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

Winners (x3) are being selected as you read this via and will be notified to confirm shipping address.

Should confirmation not be received in the allotted time (see the rules), we will proceed to reselection. Confirmed winners will be announced as soon as possible...

“Reader’s Choice Raffle” #4—FINAL REMINDER!

#freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

The Fourth RCR is still on-going for about the next 17 hours. It will end as of Midnight PST tonight. So get in on this one while it still lasts for a final holidays’ gift.

The prize is your choice of a signed, hardback, 1st-edition from our list. See the original raffle notice and read the rules.


#freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

The Fourth RCR is still on-going. The prize is your choice of a signed, hardback, 1st-edition from our list. Hop over to the original raffle notice and read the rules. Select your preferred prize and submit your entry (one per person).

This raffle closes Friday, December 12th, 2014, Midnight PST, so you still have time.


#freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

The Fourth RCR is still on-going. The prize is your choice of a signed, hardback, 1st-edition from our list. Hop over to the original raffle notice and read the rules. Select your preferred prize and submit your entry (one per person).

This raffle closes Friday, December 12th, 2014, Midnight PST, so you still have time.


#freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

S3B4_usa_512With the year’s end holidays less than 30 days away, and the release of First and Last Sorcerer just beyond that, it is time to pick up one extra present.

Here we are again, and it is about time! As with previous raffles in this series, you pick your prize when you enter!

Noble Dead Saga—Coming to Audio!

#nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #misttornwitches, #barbhendee, #jchendee

256Back in 2003, shortly after Dhampir was published, readers who loved the book began asking when the audio edition would be released. They have been doing so ever since for nearly 12 years of the Noble Dead Saga…

UPDATE: Noble Dead Saga, Mist-Torn Witches, TNDS, etc.

#nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #misttornwitches, #barbhendee, #jchendee

icon_Tales_red_leather_512It has been a while since any news or a new release for TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga. A few questions about this have come in over the last few months. Time for a general update on all else as well…

Witches with the Enemy

#fantasybooks, #misttornwitches, #barbhendee, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries

Hi Gang. I know next May seems a long way away, but links to pre-order Witches with Enemy are popping up at all the right venues, some with special discounts if you order now. JC has added information and current links for this next volume of The Mist-Torn Witches series to our “Books” section at

I am really excited about this novel. Celine and Amelie learn more about their growing powers, and fans of the series will learn more about the tense relationship between Anton and his brother Damek than they probably want to know. Hah!

Pop over to the Books section, select The Mist-Torn Witches and then the new book cover to read the synopsis and find the vendor links.


#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

S3B2_usa_512Michael Hockenson, Jr. has won the 4th “Reader’s Choice Raffle” at Noble­Dead­.org and has chosen a signed, hardbound, first edition of S3B2: The Dog in the Dark as the prize.

For the rest of you, a special raffle is upcoming later in January after we have some time for recovery because…


#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

256_thumb1_thumb1The winner is being selected as you read this (via use of and will be notified shortly to confirm prize selection and shipping address.

Should confirmation not be received in the allotted time frame, we will then proceed to the reselection step. We will have more news once this step is complete. And of course this is not the last raffle to come out of Watch for another RCR later in November.


#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

2564There is just over 9 hours left for the third RCR. If you have not entered yet, this is your last chance to do so, though certainly more raffles are to come out of

The prize this time is your choice of a signed, hardbound, 1st-edition from the list presented. Hop over to the original raffle notice and read the rules. Select your preferred prize and submit your entry (one per person).

This raffle closes tonight, October 17th, 2014, Midnight PST. The next will not come until mid November.


#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

256The third RCR is still on-going. The prize is your choice of a signed, 1st-edition, hardback from the list presented. Hop over to the original raffle notice and read the rules. Select your preferred prize and submit your entry (one per person).

This raffle closes Friday, October 17th, 2014, Midnight PST, so you still have time.


#freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

256Here we are again, and it is about time! As with previous raffles in this series, you pick your prize (from the list that follows) when you enter.

Barb and J.C. have “author’s copies” left for some hardbound volumes in Noble Dead Saga; first editions, just like in all raffles. The prize will be signed by them. Here are the volumes still available:

Cover Your Ass(ets), Part 1: Structuring Author Files (and Folders)

1 The following first entry in a new article series at N.D. Author Services might be of some interest to our readers. Not just those who are writers or aspire to be so, but also those involved in any creative endeavors using computer documents and other files. 

Whether you are (or aspire to be) a professional writer or specifically an author, the files you create and edit are precious commodities. Treat them so, like the blood in your veins.

The loss of even a fraction can be (1) dangerous or devastating to your career and/or (2) lead to a recreation process that might not (re)capture your original data. And no, just copying files to another location after a day’s work is not enough, though it is an adequate but temporary solution. READ MORE >>


#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

S3B2_usa_256Tana Trammell has won the 2nd RCR at Noble­Dead­.org and has chosen a signed, hardbound, first edition of S3B2: The Dog in the Dark as the prize.

For the rest of you, another RCR is scheduled for late this month or by the first week of October, so watch for it.

Barb and J.C. are hard at work on the final volume of the saga, The Night Voice, which is why they have been a bit quiet here on Please be patient, and they will drop in for a personal update soon.

S3B4_usa_128In the meantime, S3B4: First and Last Sorcerer is on schedule for release the first week of January 2015. We will keep you up to date on that when we hear anything. More news to come soon.


#freebooks, #raffle, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

256The previously notified winner did not respond with confirmation in the allotted 72 hours. A new winner has now been chosen and the process repeats. See the original raffle notice other details on this while we wait for a reply from the newly drawn winner.


#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee


#freebooks, #raffle, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries
The winner is being selected as you read this (via use of and will be notified shortly to confirm prize selection and shipping address.

Should confirmation not be received in the allotted time frame, we will then proceed to the reselection step. We will have more news once this step is complete. And of course this is not the last raffle to come out of Watch for another RCR around the first of October if not sooner.


#freebooks, #raffle, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

2564_thumb1Less than 12 hours to go until the closing of the second RCR raffle at Midnight, PST, tonight. That is still enough time to get your entry in to win a signed, first-edition hardback of your choice from available volumes in the Noble Dead Saga. See the original raffle notice, read the rules, and select your prize.


#freebooks, #raffle, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

256Time again for a raffle in which you choose your prize!

Barb and J.C. still have a few “author’s copies” left for certain hardback volumes in Noble Dead Saga; that means first editions like in all other raffles. As always, the prize will be signed by them. So get your entry in with your choice of which book your want from this list…

The Challenge of Promoting, Part 2

#promotion, #books, #ebooks, #authors

62609322-78Another cross-over article of interest from our sister site at N.D. Author Services…

Again we focus on efficiency to gain effectiveness where promotion is concerned. Grab your favorite beverage and settle in. There are steps to take in proper order, but before we get to the real first one…

Virtual Identity Crisis—Get Over It!

A domain name is not the first step but rather nearly the last. You do not need one to establish an effective (efficient) presence on the web. Too many new, would-be, and even established authors fixate on this like an identity crisis, feeling they do not truly exist on the web until they have a domain name. They then advise others to do the same to justify their own frantic fear.

Reader’s Choice Raffle—AND THE WINNER IS…

#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

S3B3_usa_256Jennifer Esworthy has won the first RCR at Her chosen prize of a signed, hardbound, first edition of S3B3: A Wind in the Night is already on its way.

For the rest of you, do not be too sad, for this is not the last RCR. Another is scheduled for the near future, perhaps in another two weeks, so watch for it.

We are a bit late in this announcement, for things have been quite busy around the home office. And in other news…

The Challenge of Promoting, Part 1

#promotion, #books, #ebooks, #authors

businessman holding Reaching images streaming in hands .Financial and technologies conceptsThis is another share from our sister site of N.D. Author Services. Though we try to keep content here aimed at readers, even of some you may find this beginning entry in a new series to be of interest. It applies to any creative pursuit with a commercial aim, and not just authorship.

The age of signings and physical book promotion events is dwindling if not dead. Its cost-to-returns ratio is no longer viable as more readers switch to online purchasing and to ebooks. This is especially so as publishers cut back drastically (or completely) on such expenditures. They only allocate such to the 1% of their authors with the highest (international) and established name recognition. Sometimes not even for them, and footing the bill yourself is unadvisable if you are not among that 1%. Read more >>

Reader’s Choice Raffle—CLOSED

#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

256The winner has been selected (via use of, notified, and we are now waiting on confirmation of prize selection and shipping address. Should confirmation not arrive in the allotted time frame, we will then proceed to the reselection step.

We will have more news once this step is complete. And of course this is not the last raffle to come out of Watch for another RCR to come in the near future.


#freebooks, #raffle, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

2564Less than 12 hours to go until the closing of the first RCR raffle at Midnight, PST, tonight. That is still enough time to get your entry in to win a signed, first-edition hardback of your choice (from the list) of volumes from the Noble Dead Saga. See the original raffle notice, read the rules, and select your prize.


#freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

256 It has been too long with some stumbles and trips, but here we are at last. And here is what it is about and how it came about.

When new books are released from a major publisher, the authors get copies for themselves and their own use. The count depends on the format, and typically hardbacks are of the lowest count.

Barb and J.C. still have a few “author’s copies” left for certain hardback volumes in Noble Dead Saga; that means first editions, just like in all other raffles. As always, the prize will be signed by them. But this time, you choose your prize from the volumes still available in the authors’ office…

Q&A: Resources: Office Software


When an article published over at NDAS might be of interest to some who follow, we will echo it here. In this case, a question and its answer will be of interest to not only would-be and professional authors but also students… or anyone who wishes to try a full and potent but free office suite…

BOOK NEWS: Coming Soon…

#fantasybooks, #books, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee, #jchendee

S3B4_usa_256The next to last volume in the Noble Dead Saga is popping up online for preorder. S3B4: First and Last Sorcerer is now listed at as well. [See “Books >> Series/Phase 3 >> First and Last Sorcerer.”]

3/4ths of our standard vendors are already linked. We will monitor others over time and update as quickly as possible. Availability of excepts varies; if you do not find such at your vendor, check the ebook version at other vendors to hunt down a sneak peek.

And the clock is now ticking toward the January 2015 release!

SIDE NOTE: J.C. is a pretty tough critic, but he considers this cover (by Steve Stone) to be one of the best renditions so far of the saga’s original core trio.

Event News: Raffle and Signing

#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries

Readers_ChoiceWe promised to open up the first Reader’s Choice Raffle by the 7th of this month; problems with international shipping of prizes for the last raffle caused us to pause amid a rather busy schedule.

The first RCR has been rescheduled for the first week of August. Right now, the Hendees are quite busy in outlining and drafting the final volume of the saga, S3B5: The Night Voice (1/2016). They have also recently finalized proofing of S3B4: First and Last Sorcerer (1/2015)…

N.D. Author Services Opens for Business

#books, #ebooks, #authors

Logo_400Though announced today through some of this site’s social networks, we now follow up with something more official. N.D. Author Services (a.k.a. NDAS) is open for business after a few different people / groups prodded J.C. (and Barb) to offer up their diverse skills to other authors. 

NDAS is just starting out. For now it offers a slowly growing gallery of premade ebook covers (some of which could be adapted to print). Custom cover and EPUB services will follow along with more for would-be and established authors. If you have questions or a need for something not yet listed at that site, feel free to send a query through the NDAS Contact section.

You can learn more by visiting the site than can be covered herein. But as said, be patient, for NDAS is an in-development operation.



Hi Gang. I was kind of excited when yesterday’s post generated some comments and discussion. JC and I always enjoy chatting with our readers. Please do feel free to post and make comments or ask questions.

Writer’s Corner: To Recap or Not to Recap?

#writerscorner, #writersadvice, #fantasybooks, #barbhendee

S3B3_usa_512That is the question.

I’ve heard that writers should never, ever look at Amazon reader reviews of their novels. This is probably good advice. Still, every once in a while, I can’t help myself.

In my last post, I talked about polar opposite reactions to our female characters. Today, I’m thinking about the aspect of “re-capping” in a long running series. This, too, draws some polar opposite reactions…

Writer’s Corner: The Female Character, Kickass or Not?

#writerscorner, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #misttornwitches, #barbhendee

S1B1_usa_512My first professionally published novel hit the stands in January of 2003. As of today, between collaborations with JC and my own books, I have twenty novels in print available in bookstores.

The Noble Dead Saga stars two main female characters: Magiere and Wynn. For me, these two have generated more emails, private messages, and discussion than all of the main male characters combined. I can’t count the messages in one form or another that I’ve received which read:

NOBLE DEAD RAFFLE—The Winners and What’s Next…

#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #misttornwitches

MW2_usa_512Congratulations to  Emilio C. (MX), Carl K. (USA), and Brandi H. (USA). Last names are not used for the sake of privacy. Their signed copies of Witches in Red are in the mail and should arrive (in the USA) within 10 business days. And as to what comes next…

Due to unforeseen complications with international S&H, we will be reviewing additional considerations to compensate sometime in the near future. In the meantime, we must fall back to USA only entrants for the next raffle, which will be something a bit different.

Reader’s Choice Raffle at

Coming the second week of July (skipping the week of the 4th), the next raffle will let you pick and choose (from selected titles) which book in the Noble Dead Saga you would like if you win. And of course all copies will be first edition and signed by Barb and J.C. Here is your chance to flesh out your collection.

The selected titles for the first coming R.C.R. will be announced when the event opens; watch for it folks and tell your friends. The only hint we can provide right now is that the prizes will all be hardbound editions chosen by Barb and J.C. This form of raffle will only ever be offered directly through

NOW AVAILABLE: The Forgotten Village (“Tales of Misbelief” Collection)

#books, #ebooks, #fantasybooks, #nobledeadsaga, #misttornwitches, #barbhendee

MB3_512Details and purchase points available at for this new release in T·N·D·S: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.

sequel to The Forgotten Mistress
Barb Hendee
$2.99 USD
Short story, 20k words

Available through the Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo online bookstores.

This story is autonomous and stands on its own but is also a sequel to The Forgotten Lord and The Forgotten Mistress. It is set in Droevinka, the homeland of Magiere in the Noble Dead Saga (a.k.a. the Noble Dead Series).

While you are in the “Tales” section of the site, have a look at previous tales in the “Misbelief” and other collections. Though set in the world of the Noble Dead Saga, all “tales” and their collections do not require knowledge of any books or series written by Barb and/or J.C. Hendee. You can easily pick up and read any one as your first venture into this world.

Last Releases in Other T·N·D·S Collections:

SC1_128 HW_ANTH1_128 BE2_128


#freebooks, #raffle, #fantasybooks, #misttornwitches, #barbhendee

MW2_usa_256We are late in declaring this first international raffle closed. The three winners have been selected (via use of, notified, and two have confirmed so far. We will have more news once all three are confirmed. And of course this is not the last raffle to come out of Another raffle will be announced in early July. It will be a bit different in the kind of book prize awarded.

Please stay tuned and share out the news, for the next raffle will also be international. Also watch for news coming very (very) soon about a new eBook release for TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.

Noble Dead Raffle—FINAL REMINDER

#raffle, #freebooks, #fantastybooks, #books

MW2_usa_51215 hours until the Midnight PST deadline for this international raffle of 3 signed, first edition, paperbacks of Witches in Red by Barb Hendee. After that, we begin the drawing and notification process and (likely) will announce the winners on Monday.

Last chance, folks, so see the original notice for rules and how to enter while you still can.


#books, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #misttornwitches, #barbhendee

MW2_usa_512One more quick reminder that the raffle is still open for one of three signed, first-edition paperbacks of Witches in Red. Get your entry in while you can, and this raffle is open to all readers worldwide. For rules and requirements, please see the original notice. Raffle—REMINDER and…

#freebooks, #raffle, #misttornwitches, #nobledeadsaga, #barbhendee

MW2_usa_256First a quick reminder. Our international raffle for 3 signed paperback first editions of Witches in Red is still ongoing.

If you need to catch up on how to enter, please see the original notice which contains all instructions and rules. And on that note… in Your Email

With so many people living a mobile life and following favored news on smaller portable devices, we have reinstated our “email” option for news subscription. You will find the form in the right sidebar at Now you no longer need to cram a newsreader into your phone or tablet.

This is an experiment that links into our old FeedBurner account. We will be looking at other (better) options in the near future to serve this need. Raffle: INTERNATIONAL!!!

#raffle, #freebooks, #fantasybooks, #books, #misttornwitches, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries

MW2_usa_256You heard it right. This raffle is open to readers worldwide. And the prize is a signed, paperback, 1st edition of MW2: Witches in Red, volume 2 in the Mist-Torn Witches series. And it gets better.

3 Winners will be chosen from among all entrants; and this raffle will be open for almost two weeks.

Please follow the instructions below (without exception) so your entry is confirmed on the first submission...

SITE NEWS: A Partial Recovery


Full function has been restored to the “Books” and “Tales” pages at The “FAQ” page content is accessible as well, though it displays in full rather than the previous selectable / expandable organization; that latter issue will be addressed later.

There is further behind the scenes code to correct not related to visitor accessibility. If you encounter issues upon your visit, please take the time to report such through site’s “Contact” section. Thank you for your patience and your patronage.

SITE NEWS: Crash and Burn!

MW2_usa_512Shortly after yesterday’s press release, for MW2: Witches in Red, crashed. This forced reversion to an older backup of the site’s master template which has left the “Books,” “Tales,” and “FAQ” pages non-functional.

Efforts are ongoing to correct this, so please be patient. This malfunction has not affected updates and news. For those seeking links to preferred vendors for Witches in Red, here they are for your convenience. A further update will follow as soon as one or more problems are solved.

NOW AVAILABLE: Witches in Red

#fantasybooks, #books, #misttornwitches, #barbhendee, #nobledeadsaga

MW2_usa_256Today is the “official” release for the 2nd book in The Mist-Torn Witches series. Links to major online vendors have been updated in the “Books” section at, if you need a way to find…

MW2: Witches in Red

Previews are available by looking for the ebook edition at vendor sites, even if print books are more to your liking.

While we are always cheerful on “release days,” Barb is especially excited about this, obviously.

Come join Céline and Amelie Fawe on their next adventure!

EVENT NEWS: Live at Bitten by Books

#fantasybooks, #misttornwitches, #barbhendee, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries

MW1_usa_512Barb will be doing an all day event on Tuesday, May 6th, over at Bitten by Books. We will give away two signed copies of The Mist-Torn Witches.

Yes, this is the first book in the series, but the folks at BbyB thought this would be best to bring in readers. However, right now, you can go to Bitten by Books RSVP. Everybody who RSVPs before the event will get an additional 25 entries into the contest. Then on Tuesday, just join us at the main Bitten by Books site. See you then!

BOOK NEWS: One Week Until You See Red!

#misttornwitches, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries, #barbhendee

MW2_usa_256Witches in Red, the next book in The Mist-Torn Witches series is only a week away from the shelves. This one has magic, witchcraft, gypsies, shapeshifters, werewolves, and a dark mystery to be solved.

The official release date is May 6th, but that should not stop you from pre-ordering. And if you have not yet read the first one, well, you can order them both together.

Full links and details are available at or any of the major online book sellers. If you look up the ebook edition, you can even sample a preview once it is online. Time to catch up with the sisters, Celine and Amelie!