Winners (x3) are being selected as you read this via and will be notified to confirm shipping address.
Should confirmation not be received in the allotted time (see the rules), we will proceed to reselection. Confirmed winners will be announced as soon as possible...
NOBLE DEAD RAFFLE—First and Last Sorcerer (x3)
The current raffle for three separate signed, hardbound first editions of S3B4: First and Last Sorcerer is still ongoing. If you missed the first announcement, now is the time to catch up and tell your friends to do so as well. See the original announcement for rules and procedures.
Win “Dhampir”... for Yourself plus Friends!
This might appeal to even our loyal readers over the last decade plus. You, too, could win three copies of S1B1: Dhampir.
If you already own a copy, well, that is three copies to share. Drop over to the following URL and enter to win:
NOTE: If your browser’s security keeps you from seeing the top logo on this page, the raffle is being run directly by our parent publisher, Penguin. Other identifying information does not appear in the page content, but that is the source.
NOBLE DEAD RAFFLE: First and Last Sorcerer (x3)

Share this with family and friends, because this raffle is a bit special. Up for grabs this time are three signed, hardbound, first edition (author’s copies) of First and Last Sorcerer by Barb Hendee and J.C. Hendee. And yes, we had to wait until after the official release to do this...
Book Release and Other News
Goodness, we meant to announce the release of First and Last Sorcerer more than a week ago, but time got away from us between the holidays and finishing the initial manuscript for the final volume, The Night Voice (2016). Time to play catch up but also a heads up for some fun to come…