A bit of sad news: The Night Voice [final volume in the Noble Dead Saga/Series] will not be released in a massmarket paperback edition. This is not the choice of the authors, as this is not a self-published work.
UNBOUNDWORLDS.COM: Barb and J.C. Hendee on Duo Writing and The Dead Seekers

In a fun twist, Barb interviews J.C. for this special appearance at Look in "Novels" at and select "DEAD SEEKERS" and then the book cover to find the link to this special feature.
PRESS RELEASE: The Dead Seekers, Book 1

Here we are at just over 24 hours to the release of The Dead Seekers by Barb and J.C. Hendee, first in a new series by the authors of The Noble Dead Saga/Series. Links are available in the site's "Novels" page to multiple purchase points for ebook and or jacketed hardbound editions.
Drop by to learn a bit more before purchase. We're both excited about this new start to new adventures, and as always with a bit of humor, darkness, intrigue, mystery and, of course, a little potential for romance.
NOTE: The Dead Seekers is set in the same world as The Noble Dead Saga and The Mist-Torn Witches (by Barb), BUT its plots are entirely separate from our other works; you do not need to have read any of our other novels or shorter works to jump into this one at full speed.