Official site for the high/dark fantasy books of authors Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee, including the Noble Dead Saga (a.k.a. The Noble Dead series), the Mist-Torn Witches series, the Vampire Memories series, and TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.

EVENT: 2013 Northwest Author Fair

#barbhendee #jchendee #nobledeadsaga #misttornwitches #nobledeadseries #nobledead

S3B2_usa_192Barb and J.C. will be present (along with many other authors) at the 2013 Northwest Author Fair hosted by Bob’s Beach Books on August 17th, 2013, in Lincoln City, Oregon.

Drop by for a chat and get your books signed… or pick up a copy of something you are missing as yet.

Full details of the event and attendees are available at the store’s own site: