Telling Tales…
Now and again, we notice a stream of new readers have tuned into our social satellite pages or directly to news releases through So just
a few catch up notices for those who might have missed them.
Barb and J.C. are engaged in more than writing the Noble Dead Saga. So whether you are catching up with the books so far, or awaiting S3B2: The Dog in the Dark, stop by the main site and have a peek at Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.
The “Tales” project of short ebook only works currently contains two on-going sequences: “Homeward” and “Bones of the Earth.” Short stories and
novellas in the former are not sequential, per se; you can read them in any order. Those in the latter are sequential (so far), but we know of readers who started with either one first and did just fine. And yes, there will be new sequences debuting sometime in 2013 along with the continuation of “Bones of the Earth.”
We will not be releasing new “Tales” until something in February 2013 outside the release window of the S3B2: The Dog in the Dark and after we have a little break from finishing the draft version of next year’s volume. But there are more “Tales” to come, oh yes.
And of course, there is Barb’s coming new series, The Mist-Torn Witches, which debuts May 2013. It is set in the world of (but not linked to) the Noble Dead Saga.
And lastly… we know a lot of you expected the next news from would be about the new “Noble Dead Raffles.” Hang in there. That notice is coming late tomorrow, guaranteed!
Now, has everyone finished their list of holiday preparations? Cough, cough, ahem… we are probably in no position to talk! And we’ll be back tomorrow.