Official site for the high/dark fantasy books of authors Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee, including the Noble Dead Saga (a.k.a. The Noble Dead series), the Mist-Torn Witches series, the Vampire Memories series, and TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.

And the Winner is...

#freebooks, #fantasybooks, #raffle, #audiobooks, #misttornwitches, #barbhendee, #nobledeadsaga, #nobledeadseries

MW1_usa_5125_thumb1_thumb1Chris Strickland has won the first Noble­Dead­.org audiobook raffle for The Mist-Torn Witches, book 1.  His promo code has already been delivered.

The next raffle opens on April 13th for 3 copies of the audiobook edition of S1B1: Dhampir in the Noble Dead Saga. Please note that any entries submitted before the raffle officially opens will be discarded.