Official site for the high/dark fantasy books of authors Barb Hendee and J. C. Hendee, including the Noble Dead Saga (a.k.a. The Noble Dead series), the Mist-Torn Witches series, the Vampire Memories series, and TNDS: Tales from the world of the Noble Dead Saga.

A Feast of Thanks…

ThanksgivingIt’s time again for the harvest feast in the USA, which is late compared to other corners of the world. It’s when we all try to remember something for which to give thanks, regardless of spiritual ideology or philosophy.

At a professional level, in relation to the Noble Dead Saga, we have people abroad who deserve that as well...

First to our editors past to present: Jennifer Heddle, Liz Scheier, and Susan Allison. Most people don’t realize what a tough job editors have. Between the artistic desires of the author(s) and the necessary product considerations of the publisher, they are the ones who sit between these sometimes conflicting forces and try to guide a novel to the necessary balance point in serving both ends. It is not a job we would want to face, so thankfully they do.

But most important of all (oh yes), to our readers anywhere on the planet, in any language, we thank you. Too many writers forget that there is only one real way a novel sells and becomes a success: word of mouth. It isn’t until a reader turns to someone they know (one way or another) and says ‘hey, read this’ that a published work has any hope of success. No other one influence carries the weight of that.

We would not be able to do anything without our readers; we never forget that we are able to have this career because of you. With every book, we not only strive to fulfill the small and large stories we envision, but to keep your faith in us and our work.

Bright blessing, fortune’s favor, peace and a high held toast to you all, wherever you are.


This is a very hectic time of year, and more so for us. On top of the holiday season, and awaiting the release of a new book in the saga, we always have a January 1st deadline for the first version of the next book. So bear with us, and we’ll catch up on other offerings through, like the “Q&A” series. We should be able to get back to that by late this weekend.